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This was during my awkward phase, which ran from 16 months after I was born until sometime last week. Rather nice glasses, the bad teeth, and hair that looks like I just spent the night in a dumpster. Thanks for making me up that day mom.


A continuation of my awkward phase, this picture was taken yesterday. As you can see I don't much believe in combing my hair or cutting it. I think it looks better when it resembles the hedges in front of my house.


This was the period of my life when my family thought I had downs syndrome, as you can see most people would clearly mistake me for having that affliction. Luckily for me I pulled that look off naturally.


Also an awkward phase, see above. Which I think is worse considering this person claims to have been very popular in grade school, hmm, very interesting. Did you style your hair that way, or did you just get electrocuted on the way to school?


Batter up!!!

This is my mother, she just got done welding the table and apparently forgot to take her goggles off.


Now this picture at least I can say I wasn't old or big enough to decide what I should wear. I assure you I would have definitely decided against a winter suit that made me look like a life size form of male contraception.